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Unlimited Web Hosting – The Basics

If you have always wondered what unlimited web hosting is all about and how it can help you in your website ownership endeavors, rest assured you are not the first to ask those questions. So whether you are searching for a shared hosting provider for website creation or simply a self-hosted blog, there are some aspects you should know about.

The Start of Unlimited Web Hosting

Once upon a time, there was a definite limit to the expanse of features – the amount of emails and bandwidth, domains, and disk space – offered on a single hosting account. But the moment when word started circulating about a few hosting companies that removed these feature caps, every other website hosting company got on board in order to remain competitive in the marketplace. However, many people are skeptical when it comes to the term “unlimited” and they want to know how providers can offer this service.

The Differences Between “Then” and Now

The term “unlimited web hosting” is now commonly used throughout the Internet community. People tend to believe that there is no real limit on how large they can make their site, the number of email accounts, their site’s overall size, and the generated traffic. Years ago, packages were priced at different levels according to its included features; however, this has now become an obsolete hosting company practice.

But the question remains as to how today’s hosting providers are operating differently to give their customers a heap of value for the price. In all actuality, the changes are subtle. The operation of website hosting companies is intrinsically the same as before but these companies have finally realized that the majority of their customers who pay for a hosting account do not use all of the available features at their disposal.

Strategic Marketing to Fledgling Website Owners

With this school of thought in mind, consider the fact that a great deal of customers will use approximately the same amount of features – such as bandwidth, disk space, emails and domains – with basic plans as well as unlimited plans. Even so, website owners are usually drawn toward unlimited plans as opposed to basic ones because of the “just in case” scenario of hitting a cap and hindering their website’s operations. In many cases, this does not happen. From a marketing point of view, the concept is a goldmine and customers are still getting plenty of value for their dollar.

When you get down to it, both the website owner and the hosting company gain something from this arrangement. Most customers do not feel the company is “getting one over on them” as customers still have the ability to run their website at a low cost. Think about it, even if an unlimited plan is not truly unlimited, does it really matter if you will never hit the usage cap? It actually allows you to negotiate with your hosting company if the package you have does not fulfill your needs.

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