Most affordable hosting packages are great for those who are just starting out, but as your site or service grows bigger, with more features, and more importantly, more users, you will begin to understand that you will have to move to a more expensive solution that can provide you with more processing power.
That is because most hosting packages have very little resources allocated to them. There are usually several dozen user accounts on every shared physical server, and all of them have to share the resources. If one of the users starts using too much processor time or Megabytes of RAM, the account is automatically locked until the scripts are no longer active.
But what about those times when you are reaching the limits of your current hosting package, but you still don’t want to switch to a much more expensive solution like a dedicated server? You may run into such a problem if, for example, you run out of money at exactly the moment your site gets on the first page of a popular search term in Google or you get featured on the front page of Digg or other major social networks – you know how it happens, unexpectedly and at the worse moment possible.
Well, there actually is a great solution that can get you out of those situations! It’s called CDN, or Content Distribution Networks, and it may be just the thing that will save you and your site from being overloaded with traffic and not be able to handle it.