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Things to Remember When Changing Web Hosts

Moving a web site from one web hosting company to another can be a very scary task. Even the littlest mistake can be extremely costly. You never know what kind of information you could loose. The tips in this article should help you prevent any issues when switching web hosting companies.

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What are Cron Jobs and Why Should You Care

Some scripts for your website will require programs to be run at certain intervals. There are two ways to do this. The first is to log onto your website and run the process yourself every time it needs to be run. However if you don’t have the time to do this (and most people don’t), the scripts can be automatically run using a set of cron jobs.

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Tips to Reduce Bandwidth Usage

In the past ten years, web hosting has increased its storage capacity dramatically. In doing so, they’ve allowed even the cheapest hosting plans to do some pretty advanced things. However, there is one little detail that they haven’t kept up with, and that’s bandwidth. Since storage capacity becomes cheaper every year, web hosting companies don’t have to place so much value on it. However, the Internet hasn’t become that much faster, and therefore web hosts, and in turn webmasters have to conserve it considerable. Here we’ll discuss a few ways in which this can be done.

Image Compression:

There’s a whole lot you can do just here alone. Images can be compressed in many ways. The first and easiest way is to change the file format. If you’re hosting images straight off your digital camera in JPG format, you’re probably wasting bandwidth. By changing the format to GIF or PNG, you’ll get images that take up less than half the room.

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Requirements to Host A Forum

Setting up your first forum can be a challenging task. The last thing you’ll want to do is have to move it to another server. In this article, we’re going to make sure that never happens. Here’s how to tell what to look for in a web host when planning on hosting a forum.


First, let’s talk about databases. In order to organize the vast amount of data that a forum could potentially hold, having a hosting service that supports databases is a must. Usually, forum software is very lenient on what type of database to store information in. For instance, phpBB is compatible with FireBird, MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. That gives the user a lot of options as to what they want to do. All this cross-compatibility makes forum software convenient to more than one type of webmaster. No matter what they are used to, there’s a setup to match their preferences.

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Difference Between Blogging Platforms

Upon starting a blog, one of the first things you must decide is what blogging system (or platform) you’ll want to use.  This is totally dependent on which direction you’ll want to take your blog, and what kind of experience you want your reader’s to have.  Different blogs have different features and server requirements, but the good news is that most good and universally used platforms are free.  So let’s take a closer look at some of the more popular ones:


WordPressProbably the most obvious of choices.  WordPress has been the center of attention in the blogging world for years.  Mostly it’s because of it’s simple installation process, almost unlimited amount of add-on’s and free themes, and the ease to maintain it.  WordPress now even comes with an anti-spam tool already built in.  More than 3 out of 4 blogs that are independently run (verses run on a site like are on WordPress.  This is great because of all the support you get.

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