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All About DNS Zones

Every day, millions of people from around the world access the Internet. To access a website, you need to type its URL in the address bar. Many people are not familiar with the process that take place in the system when they hit the enter key. Due to the modern technology, it takes only a short time for the webpage to display when you hit the enter key.

When you hit enter, the browser will send a request to the nameserver. The namserver will send the request to the DNS zone that is located on the server. It is important to understand the role of the DNS zone. By becoming familiar with the role of the DNS zone, you will be able to get a clearer view on the things that take place behind the scenes.

The DNS zone is a space on the global domain name system. In each DNS zone, you will websites that are hosted in it. The DNS zone offers a number of information including address mapping information. The address mapping information is used to track the IP address. With the address mapping information, your browser can locate the IP address which the visitors requested. After you have transferred the nameserver to the host, the IP address will be assigned to no matter if it is shared with other webmasters. In order to make the domain name accessible by the users, it is important that the nameserver of the domain is redirected to the nameserver of the host. The nameserver of the host is displayed on the left navigation bar of the Cpanel hosting. If your hosting does not include Cpanel, the nameserver information is included in the welcome message.

When the Internet was first introduced, people accessed a website by typing in a unique IP address. More and more websites were built. As a result, it became difficult to memorize the IP address. Later, the DNS zone was invented. The DNS zone mapped the IP address of a website into a domain so that it became more easy to access. The browser simply detects the domain name and transforms it into an IP address when a user requests it. With DNS zone, visitors can access the website by entering the domain name that starts with http://www. into the browser.

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